USJA Jr 8th Degree Practice Test
Carolinas American Judo Association

1. What is the name of your Judo organization?

a) United States Judo Association
b) United States Judo Federation
c) International Judo Federation
2. Who founded Judo?

a) Nagaoka
b) Mifune
c) Jigoro Kano
d) Kotani
3. What is the name of the school he founded?

a) Epizoundes
b) Kodokan
c) Budokan
d) Shudokan
4. What is the date of the founding of Judo?

a) 1881
b) 1882
c) 1910
d) 1886
5. What are the two principles of Kodokan Judo as defined by Dr. Kano?

a) Maximum efficiency - Seiryoku Zenyo
b) Mutual benefit and welfare - Jita Kyoei
c) Win at any cost
d) Never admit defeat

6. How Long have unarmed combat martial arts been practiced in Japan?

a) 600 to 1500 years
b) 500 to 800 years
c) 600 to 1000 years
7. What was unarmed combat called in Japan before Judo?

a) Kungfu
b) Jujitsu
c) Karate
d) Boxing
8. How many degrees are there currently in the USJA junior rank system?

a) Five
b) Six
c) Eight
d) Ten
9. Choose the correct five USJA junior belt colors in order by color

a) White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple
b) Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple
c) Yellow, Orange/White, Orange, Orange/Green, Green
d) Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Purple
10. Off Balancing

a) Kuzushi
b) Tsukuri
c) Anza
d) Kake
11. Entry

a) Kuzushi
b) Tsukuri
c) Anza
d) Kake
12. Execution

a) Kuzushi
b) Tsukuri
c) Anza
d) Kake
13. Count to 10 in Japenese

a) Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Shichi, Ju, Ku, Go, Roku, Hach
b) Ichi, Ni, Ju, Ku, Hach, Shichi, Roku, Go, Sh, San
c) Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Ku, Ju
d) Ich, San, Go, Shichi, Ju, Ni, Shi, Roku, Hachi, Shi
14. Back falling sacrifice techniques

a) Yoko sutemi waza
b) Ma sutemi waza
c) Kesa sutemi waza
15. Side falling sacrifice techniques

a) Yoko sutemi waza
b) Ma sutemi waza
c) Kesa sutemi waza
16. Throwing

a) Katame waza
b) Atemi waza
c) Goshi waza
d) Nage waza
17. Grappling

a) Katame waza
b) Atemi waza
c) Goshi waza
d) Nage waza
18. Striking

a) Katame waza
b) Atemi waza
c) Goshi waza
d) Nage waza
19. Osaekomi Waza

a) Joint Lock Techniques
b) Strangulation Techniques
c) Holding Techniques
20. Shime Waza

a) Holding Techniques
b) Strangulation Techniques
c) Joint Lock Techniques
21. Kansetsu Waza

a) Holding Techniques
b) Strangulation Techniques
c) Joint Lock Techniques
22. What is Kata?

a) A dance
b) A throw
c) A hold down
d) A formal prearranged practice routine
23. How many Kata are there in Kodokan Judo?

a) 10
b) 12
c) 7
d) 9
24. Which Kata is considered most useful for learning throwing techniques

a) Itsutsu No Kata
b) Nage No Kata
c) Ju No Kata
25. Which Kata is considered most useful for learning grappling techniques?

a) Itsutsu No Kata
b) Goshinjitsu No Kata
c) Katame No Kata
26. What is the ultimate goal of Judo as defined by Dr. Kano

a) To win at any cost
b) The harmonious development and eventual perfection of human character
c) To become a great Judo player
27. What are Kyu ranks in Judo?

a) Student ranks below black belt
b) Judo ranks for junior players
c) Black belt ranks
28. Name the six kyu ranks from highest to lowest rank (do not list white)

a) Rokkyu, Gokyu, Yonkyu, Sankyu, Nikyu, Ikkyu
b) Ikkyu, Sankyu, Nikyu, Yonkyu, Gokyu, Rokkyu
c) Ikkyu, Nikyu, Sankyu, Yonkyu, Gokyu, Rokkyu
d) Gokyu, Rokkyu, Yonkyu, Nikyu, Sankyu, Ikkyu
29. Name the ten black ranks in order from lowest to highest

a) Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yodan, Godan, Judan, Kudan, Hachidan, Shichidan, Rokudan
b) Shodan, Rokudan, Nidan, Shichidan, Sandan. Hachidan, Yodan, Kudan, Godan, Judan
c) Judan, Kudan, Hachidan, Shichidan, Rokudan, Godan, Yodan, Sandan, Nidan, Shodan
d) Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yodan, Godan, Rokudan, Shichidan, Hachidan, Kudan, Judan
30. Which three black belt ranks that are considered student ranks?

a) Shodan, Sandan, Godan
b) Shodan, Nidan, Sandan
c) Judan, Kudan, Hachidan
d) Yodan, Godan, Rokudan
31. In the USJA Senior belt ranks system, 1st thru 3rd degree black belts can wear :

a) Black
b) Black and Red
c) Red and White
d) Red
32. In the USJA Senior belt ranks system, 4th thru 5th degree black belts can wear :

a) Black
b) Black and Red
c) Red and White
d) Red
33. In the USJA Senior belt ranks system, 6th thru 8th degree black belts can wear :

a) Black
b) Black and Red
c) Red and White
d) Red
34. In the USJA Senior belt ranks system, 9th and 10th degree black belts can wear :

a) Black
b) Black and Red
c) Red and White
d) Red
35. Name three of the eight men who attained tenth degree black belt while they were still alive

a) Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jet Lee
b) Yoshiaki Yamashita, Hidekazu Nagaoka, Hajime Isogai
c) Kyuzo Mifune, Kunisaburo Iizuka, Kaichiro Samura

Directions: Select the Japanese equivalent for the following English terms .

36. Teacher

a) Rei
b) Kuzushi
c) Sensei
37. Sitting on knees

a) Seiza
b) Hajime
c) Uchi Komi
38. Sitting cross-legged

a) Kuzushi
b) Uke
c) Anza
39. Attention!

a) ki o tsuke
b) Uchi Komi
c) Kuzushi
40. Bow!

a) Maitta
b) Rei
c) Hajime
41. Falling methods or ways

a) Ukemi
b) Matte
c) Kuzushi
42. Off Balance

a) Randori
b) Uke
c) Kuzushi
43. Repetition attack practice without throwing, done with a partner

a) Uke Rei
b) Randori
c) Uchi Komi
44. Person Receiving technique

a) Ukemi
b) Sensei
c) Uke
45. Person performing technique

a) Randori
b) Tori
c) Sensei
46. Begin

a) Hajime!
b) Matte!
c) Uchi Komi
47. Stop

a) Hajime!
b) Matte!
c) Maitta!
48. I surrender

a) Matte!
b) Maitta!
c) Hajime!
49. Free practice

a) Randori
b) Uchi Komi
c) Anza
50. Big or major

a) O Goshi
b) O
c) O Koshi
51. Waist or hip

a) Koshi or Goshi
b) O Soto Gari
c) O Goshi
52. Major hip throw

a) O Goshi
b) O
c) O Soto Gari
53. Outside

a) Kesa
b) Koshi or Go
c) Soto
54. Major outside reaping throw

a) Kesa-gatame
b) O Soto Gari
c) O Goshi
55. One point! (referee’s award)

a) Ippon!
b) Waza-ari!
c) Kesa-gatame
56. Almost ippon!

a) Waza-ari!
b) O Ippon!
c) Koshi or Goshi
57. Scarf

a) Soto
b) Kesa-gatame
c) Kesa
58. Lock or hold

a) Kuzure-kesa-gatame
b) Kesa
c) Gatame
59. Scarf Lock

a) Kesa
b) Kesa-gatame
c) Kuzure-kesa-gatame
60. Modified

a) Kuzure
b) Soto
c) Shodan
61. Modified scarf lock

a) Kesa-gatame
b) Gatame
c) Kuzure-kesa-gatame
62. Black belt grade or rank

a) Shodan
b) Dan
c) Nidan
63. Beginning black belt

a) Dan
b) Shodan
c) Nidan
64. A full point by adding two waza-ari scores

a) Koshi Waza
b) Waza-ari Awasete Ippon
c) Koshi Guruma
65. That is all! (Referee’s call)

a) Shido
b) Kouchi Gari
c) Sore Made
66. Don’t move! (Referee’s call)

a) Sono mama!
b) Ko
c) Koshi Guruma
67. Continue! (Referee’s call)

a) Koshi Waza
b) Yoshi!
c) Guruma
68. Note! (Referee’s call for slight penalty)

a) Gari
b) Osae-komi
c) Shido
69. Reaping action done with the leg

a) Gari
b) Toketa
c) Sore made!
70. Little or minor

a) Ko
b) Gari
c) Yoshi!
71. Inside

a) Uchi
b) Gari
c) Soto
72. Minor inside reaping throw

a) Gari
b) Ko Gari
c) Kouchi Gari
73. Hip wheel throw

a) Koshi Guruma
b) Kouchi Gari
c) Yoko Shiho-gatame
74. Waist or hip technique

a) Yoko Shiho-gatame
b) Koshi Waza
c) Koshi Guruma
75. Wheel

a) Sore made!
b) Yoko Shiho-gatame
c) Guruma
76. Second degree black belt

a) Nidan
b) Sandan
c) Yodan
77. Shoulder hold

a) Kami- Shiho-gatame
b) Kata-Gatame
c) Waza-ari Awasete Ippon
78. Upper 4 corner hold

a) Kami- Shiho-gatame
b) Tate Shiho-gatame
c) Kata-Gatame
79. Variant upper 4 corner hold

a) Kouchi Gari
b) Yoko Shiho-gatame
c) Kuzure Kami-Shiho-gatame
80. Side 4 corner hold

a) Yoko Shiho-gatame
b) Kami- Shiho-gatame
c) Katame Waza
81. Modified side 4 corner hold

a) Kuzure Kami-Shiho-gatame
b) Yoko Shiho-gatame
c) Kuzure Yoko-Shiho gatame
82. Straddling hold

a) Tate Shiho-gatame
b) Osae-komi
c) Yoko Shiho-gatame
83. Hold down! (referee’s call)

a) Te Waza
b) Osae-komi!
c) Harai-goshi
84. Hold Broken! (referee’s call)

a) Kuzure Yoko-Shiho gatame
b) Toketa
c) Osae-komi!
85. Sweeping action done with the leg

a) Harai or Barai
b) Harai-goshi
c) Te Waza
86. Sweeping hip throw

a) Yoko Shiho-gatame
b) Koshi Guruma
c) Harai-goshi
87. Third Degree Black Belt

a) Sandan
b) Nidan
c) Shodan
88. Technique

a) Obi
b) Waza
c) Te
89. Throw (noun)

a) Waza
b) Ashi
c) Nage
90. Throwing technique(s)

a) Nage Waza
b) Katame Waza
c) Te Waza
91. Hand

a) Sode
b) Te
c) Obi
92. Hand technique(s)

a) Te Nage Waza
b) Te Obi
c) Te Waza
93. Foot or leg

a) Sode
b) Ashi
c) Ude
94. Foot technique(s)

a) Ashi Nage
b) Katame Waza
c) Ashi Waza
95. Holding technique(s)

a) Osae-komi Waza
b) Hansoku Make
c) Osae-komi
96. Grappling technique(s)

a) Katame Waza
b) Te Waza
c) Nage Waza
97. Loss by rule violation (referee’s call)

a) Shido
b) Hansoku Make
c) Sono mama
98. Judo uniform

a) Te
b) Judogi
c) Obi
99. Judo uniform sleeve

a) Sode
b) Ashi
c) Te Obi
100. Judo uniform belt

a) Tai
b) Obi
c) Yoko
101. Fourth Degree Black Belt

a) Sandan
b) Nidan
c) Yodan
102. Judo uniform lapel

a) Eri
b) Tai
c) Juji
103. Body

a) Gyaku
b) Nami
c) Tai
104. Drop

a) Shime Waza
b) Otoshi
c) Kata Juji-jime
105. Fifth Degree Black Belt

a) Godan
b) Yodan
c) Dan
106. Body drop throw

a) Tai Nami
b) Nami
c) Tai Otoshi
107. Choke

a) Shime or Jime
b) Shime Waza
c) Juji gatame
108. Choking techniques

a) Nami Juji-jime
b) Shime Waza
c) Kansetsu Waza
109. Normal

a) Gyaku
b) Shime or Jime
c) Nami
110. Reverse

a) Gyaku
b) Yoko
c) Hiza
111. Cross

a) Juji
b) Shiho
c) Uki
112. Joint locking techniques

a) Kumi Kata
b) Yoko Shiho Gatame
c) Kansetsu Waza
113. Cross arm lock

a) Juji gatame
b) Hansoku Make
c) Tai Otoshi
114. Normal Cross Choke

a) Shimmeisho noWaza
b) Hiza Guruma
c) Nami Juji-jime
115. Half Cross Choke

a) Kata Juji-jime
b) Nami Juji-jime
c) Juji gatame
116. Reverse cross choke

a) Yoko Sutemi Waza
b) Gyaku Juji-jime
c) Gokyo No Waza
117. Knee

a) Hiza
b) Shiho
c) Sutemi
118. Knee wheel throw

a) Hiza Guruma
b) Hiza
c) Kaeshi Waza
119. Sacrifice

a) Hairi Kata
b) Okuri Eri-jime
c) Sutemi
120. Side or lateral

a) Yoko
b) Sutemi
c) Shiho
121. Throwing techniques done by falling on one’s back or side

a) Yoko Sutemi Waza
b) Sutemi Waza
c) Kaeshi Waza
122. Side falling sacrifice throws

a) Yoko Sutemi Waza
b) Gokyo No Waza
c) Shimmeisho noWaza
123. Forms of gripping an opponent

a) Gokyo No Waza
b) Kaeshi Waza
c) Kumi Kata
124. Four corners (as in pins)

a) Shiho
b) Yoko
c) Hiza
125. Side four-corner hold

a) Yoko Sutemi Waza
b) Gokyo No Waza
c) Yoko Shiho Gatame
126. Techniques of five stages

a) Yoko Sutemi Waza
b) Gokyo No Waza
c) Yoko Shiho Gatame
127. Newly certified throwing techniques

a) Shimmeisho no Waza
b) Sutemi Waza
c) Kaeshi Waza
128. Counter technique

a) Gokyo No Waza
b) Kaeshi Waza
c) Sutemi Waza
129. Sixth Degree Black Belt

a) Shichidan
b) Nidan
c) Rokudan
130. Entry methods into matwork

a) Ushiro Kata
b) Ura-nage
c) Hairi Kata
131. Sliding lapel choke

a) Hadaka Jime
b) Kata Ha-jime
c) Okuri Eri-jime
132. Naked choke

a) Hadaka Jime
b) Kata Ha-jime
c) Okuri Eri-jime
133. Single wing choke

a) Kata Ha-jime
b) Okuri Eri-jime
c) Hadaka Jime
134. Rear, behind (as in throwing and pinning)

a) Fusegi
b) Joseki
c) Ushiro
135. Tournament

a) Dojo
b) Shiai
c) Judoka
136. Practice hall for Judo

a) Dojo
b) Shiai
c) Class
137. Judo practitioner or player

a) Judoka
b) Uki
c) Tori
138. Arm

a) Hiza
b) Uki
c) Ude
139. Entangled

a) Joseki
b) Garami
c) Fusegi
140. Escape (as from a pin)

a) Sutemi
b) Fusegi
c) Shichidan
141. Side of the dojo or tournament mat where high ranking black belts sit

a) Joseki
b) Ushiro
c) Front
142. To float or floating

a) Gari
b) Eri
c) Uki
143. Eighth Degree Black Belt

a) Nidan
b) Hachidan
c) Godan
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